The Ghent Reformed Church is a group of believers in Jesus Christ, the one who always welcomed sinners, healed the sick, fed the hungry, and preached good news to the poor. In an increasingly secular world, we consider our congregation to be a mission outpost in our community which attempts to follow christ's example. We support local food pantries, welcome the downhearted to our church family, and offer bible-based preaching & learning for hungry souls. Come as you are. We do!
Reformed Church Theology
What We Believe
The Heidelberg Catechism
One of the Three Forms of Unity, a Protestant confessional document, unpacks the gospel, the sacraments, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer.
The Belgic Confession
The most comprehensive of the RCA’s standards, the Belgic Confession is a doctrinal standard to which many of the Reformed churches subscribe.
The Canons of Dort
Written as a response to Arminianism, the Canons of Dort form part of the confessional standards of many of the Reformed churches around the world.
The Belhar Confession
The most recent of the RCA’s standards, according to the Belhar Confession, unity, reconciliation and justice are both gifts and obligations for the church
Church History
Learn More About Ghent Reformed Chruch
About Our Sanctuary
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